Brazil Casts - Logan Hawkes synopsis - As the wavering cry of the foghorn fills the air, the taciturn former lumberjack, Ephraim Winslow, and the grizzled lighthouse keeper, Thomas Wake, set foot in a secluded and perpetually grey islet off the coast of late-19th-century New England. For the following four weeks of back-breaking work and unfavourable conditions, the tight-lipped men will have no one else for company except for each other, forced to endure irritating idiosyncrasies, bottled-up resentment, and burgeoning hatred. Then, amid bad omens, a furious and unending squall maroons the pale beacon's keepers in the already inhospitable volcanic rock, paving the way for a prolonged period of feral hunger; excruciating agony; manic isolation, and horrible booze-addled visions. Now, the eerie stranglehold of insanity tightens. Is there an escape from the wall-less prison of the mind? Robert Eggers 8,1 of 10 1 Hours 49 minute
Anyone here after the batman trailer? He is going to be incredible. All the doubters have been really quiet since the trailer dropped.
Who else here from TikTok lol.
I hate when that happens, damn thought crossing.
Keepin secrets are ye.
She laddy made thy film.
Fantastic film Quality.
Fantastic content inside. Congrats.
These kind of horrors aren't for everyone and probably aren't for the majority.
There are no scares, gore or action sequences.
Its basically a psychological horror of a similar tone to A Field in England in which two men with questionable sanity lose their grip on reality during a storm.
If odd visions, incoherent dialogue and lack of story are frustrates you then avoid this at all costs.
The sort of people who rate movies like this highly are the kind who wont actually admit it doesn't make any sense.
Its ok as an atmospheric movie for a period and the production and acting are great, however there is a good reason why movies resolve clearly at the end.
To not do so just to be "arty" or different doesn't make it any better an experience for the audience. Unfortunately watching this to its conclusion was not a satisfying experience.
Expect critics and pseudo intellectuals to praise this to the high heavens while the general public will vote with their feet and wallets.
For pretentious oddballs only.
These brings me memories of my old pals in the sea. I've never seen the sea. Valeria Karaman. 😲. Why do they say, they have the choice between bringing back the emperor, and introducing someone new at about 12 mins, like they are the only two choices. What about Kylo becoming his own man, and like setting him up as the bad guy, or even a complex mix of good and evil. Both other choices are bland and safe. They could of done so much The whole point of killing Snoke, was to give Rey and Kylo more room to breath as characters, it could of been pretty good, if you wrote from that point of view. Also, at like 15 mins, when you guys are debating if the emperor is a clone or not, it is all a mute point because Lucas intended him to be dead, none of this disney bs is actually part of the story. Their was no careful planning or vision for these films, they were never intended to be looked into so deeply. Because none of it is well written.
Prove his hypothesis? hey maybe don't be so pretentious. thanks. by the way, where are your sources/citations. 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰❤️. Really enjoyed this and I've subbed to your channel. Thanks. I realise this doesn't come under the remit of this series so I didn't expect you to cover it but one of the most unsettling aspects of this film was the sound, which could have been lifted from a modern sci fi. I wonder if this stark contrast to the look was done on purpose or whether I was having trouble processing the old, analogue film look with the modern, digital soundscape.
It feels wrong seeing all the behind-the-scenes footage in color lol. An instant classic. WILLEM DAFOE GOT SNUBBED THIS YEAR.
This is how I'd imagine someone would film one of Edgar Allen Poe's stories
One of the best films ever made in my opinion. How long have we been self isolating? 8 weeks? 4 Days? Help me to recollect.
Robert here really reminds me of Daniel Day-Lewis' character from Gangs of New York
If only I could be so lucky to sit in the same theatre as Rich Evans and hear his angelical laugh.
Nice to watch this again after 20 years. Huh? Months? 9.
Wileman Dafoe and Robert Pattinson are two lighthouse keepers on a small, isolated island off the coast of Maine - actually shot in Nova Scotia. As a storm rages about them, they go slowly mad.
Robert Eggar's film is based in part on two Welsh lighthouse keepers in 1801, the Smalls Lighthouse tragedy. It is a peculiarly designed movie - Eggars, besides directing two movies, has worked on several other films as a production designer. The set is claustrophobic, the screen frame is just about square at 1.19:1, and the film is black and white. Dafoe uses an accent that is almost cartoonish, based on 19th century fishermen.
It's a striking-looking film, that's for certain, but despite the acclaim it has received, I think these details are more likely to appeal to those with a technical understanding and appreciation of antediluvian film making. I was certainly fascinated, but I have my doubts that it will appeal to a general audience; despite its High Art merit, film remains a medium that must appeal to tens of millions to be deemed a success. While the revival of antique techniques and extinct accents may please the cognoscenti, it won't play in Peoria.
They legit don't know how to make movies anymore. Could anyone have thought it could possibly get this bad.
Am I the only one who found some similarity with Bergman's persona? when it comes to two people getting along on an island and you start wondering if they are the same person. Hey, look, it's the Knights of Ren! Cool. Willem dafoe being snubbed for an oscar is one of the biggest snubs ever. I'm still a little uncomfortable with the fact that they address the reality that many First Order soldiers are child soldiers, then party hard when they're all murdered... 🔥🔥🔥 you will love this movie. I know that I do. 0:56 🔥 👇👇👇👇👇🖤.
Robert Pattinson is angry enough to convince us that he has had enough of twilight.